Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Is your Linkedin Password Hacked

How to check if your Linkedin password has been stolen

There are two multiple ways of checking your linkedin password hash. Here, I am focusing on two ways of searching your password hash via different leaks available online.

1. via Python script

The passwords were uploaded online in a 270mb text file via .(Mirrors  or ) You can check if your password is in that list by first creating your password in SHA-1 format and then check the txt file for it.
Pastebin Download Page
Pastebin mirror page for Linkedin dump
Pastebin mirror page for Linkedin dump
Pastie Download Page
Pastie mirror page for Linkedin dump
Pastie mirror page for Linkedin dump

After downloading please extract the and you will find out combo_not.txt file which need to be further analyzed for your password offline.
A python script is available online for converting your password into sha1 hash and search combo_not.txt for your sha1 hash match. You will need python interpreter for running above python script. The source code of python script is following.
 Save this file as and ensure it's
 in the same folder as combo_not.txt
from hashlib import sha1
import sys
password = sys.argv[1]
hsh = sha1(password).hexdigest()
x = 0

for line in open('combo_not.txt','r'):
 if hsh == line.strip():
  x += 1
 elif "00000" + hsh[5:] == line.strip():
  x += 1 
print "Number of matches: %d" % x

Now execute the program by typing python password. Replace the parameter with your password. This will show you exact result of your password.

2. 'Linkedin SHA1 Passwords' Torrent and PHP 

First download the linkedin password hash torrent and extract the archive. After extracting archive please ensure that you have PHP cli and grep is installed on the system. 

thepiratebay Linkedin SHA1 passwords
thepiratebay Linkedin SHA1 passwords

For Linux Systems
php -r 'echo sha1("password") . "\n";'

This will generate your sha1 password hash. Now we have to find our password hash from the give dump.
grep 'your sha1_hash' sha1.txt

For Windows Systems


E:\Downloads\xampp\php>php -a
Interactive mode enabled

echo sha1("linkedin");


Now run grep 

E:\Downloads\xampp\php>grep "7728240c80b6bfd450849405e8500d6d207783b6" combo_not

//Convert first five bytes into 0 and bingo

E:\Downloads\xampp\php>grep "0000040c80b6bfd450849405e8500d6d207783b6" combo_not


Linkedin saved sha1 password unsalted which makes russians to break easily. Hope we all have to learn from above hack.
